[Rd] depending on orphaned packages?

Ben Bolker bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Sep 25 02:09:55 CEST 2019

SuppDists is orphaned on CRAN (and has been since 2013).


 Oddly, the simulate method for the inverse.gaussian family
[inverse.gaussian()$simulate] depends (in a loose sense) on SuppDists
(it fails if the SuppDists namespace is not available:

if (!requireNamespace("SuppDists", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("need CRAN package 'SuppDists' for simulation from the
'inverse.gaussian' family")

  The statmod package also implements inverse gaussian d/p/q/r functions
<https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2016-1/giner-smyth.pdf>.  It is
lightweight (depends on R >= 3.0.0, imports only base packages [stats
and graphics]) and has been around for a long time (archived versions on
CRAN go back to 2003).

  Would it make sense to replace the call to SuppDists::rinvGauss with a
corresponding call to statmod::rinvgauss ?  Would a patch be considered?

  Ben Bolker

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