[Rd] tools::package_native_routine_registration_skeleton?

Koenker, Roger W rkoenker @end|ng |rom ||||no|@@edu
Fri Jun 28 12:27:39 CEST 2019

Thanks,  I was just coming to that conclusion and beginning to look for a way to make a list of
exportable objects.

Roger Koenker
r.koenker using ucl.ac.uk<mailto:r.koenker using ucl.ac.uk>
Department of Economics, UCL
London  WC1H 0AX.

On Jun 28, 2019, at 11:23 AM, Georgi Boshnakov <georgi.boshnakov using manchester.ac.uk<mailto:georgi.boshnakov using manchester.ac.uk>> wrote:

... reports that the fortran names of all the registered fortran functions are “undocumented objects”...

Those symbols should not be exported. In quantreg v5.33, NAMESPACE has 'exportPattern(".")'. Maybe it is a good time to remove that and export explicitly the symbols that are meant for export.

Georgi Boshnakov


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 09:06:52 +0000
From: "Koenker, Roger W" <rkoenker using illinois.edu<mailto:rkoenker using illinois.edu>>
To: "r-devel using r-project.org<mailto:r-devel using r-project.org>" <r-devel using r-project.org<mailto:r-devel using r-project.org>>
Subject: [Rd] tools::package_native_routine_registration_skeleton?
Message-ID: <00702A4F-67B0-4B0C-A791-E72AF51C4F9C using illinois.edu<mailto:00702A4F-67B0-4B0C-A791-E72AF51C4F9C using illinois.edu>>
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I’m trying to sort out the consequences of adding registration for my quantreg package.
I’ve generated a quantreg_init.c file with the directive in the message title, and placed it
in my src directory.  The first issue is that 3 of the 20, or so registered functions have
the same name in fortran as the calling function in R.   This seems easy to fix.  More
puzzling is that R CMD check now reports that the fortran names of all the registered fortran
functions are “undocumented objects”.  Can someone point me to the officially sanctioned
way to deal with this:  presumably I don’t need to document them as if they were R functions.

Roger Koenker
r.koenker using ucl.ac.uk<mailto:r.koenker using ucl.ac.uk><mailto:r.koenker using ucl.ac.uk>
Department of Economics, UCL
London  WC1H 0AX.

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