[Rd] Converting non-32-bit integers from python to R to use bit64: reticulate

Juan Telleria Ruiz de Aguirre jte||er|@@rproject @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jun 3 06:50:17 CEST 2019

Thank you Martin for giving to know and developing 'Rmpfr' library for
unlimited size integers (GNU C GMP) and arbitrary precision floats (GNU C


My question is: In the long term (For R3.7.0 or R3.8.0):

Does it have sense that CMP substitutes INTSXP, and MPFR substitutes
REALSXP code? With this we would achieve that an integer is always an
integer, and a numeric double precision float always a numeric double
precision float, without sometimes casting underneath.

And would the R Community / R Ordinary Members would be willing to help R
Core on such implementation (If has sense, and wants to be adopted)?

Thank you all! :)

> If you are interested in using unlimited size integers, you
> could use the CRAN R package 'gmp' which builds on the GMP = GNU
> MP = GNU Multi Precision C library.
>    https://cran.r-project.org/package=gmp
> (and for arbitrary precision "floats", see CRAN pkg 'Rmpfr'
>  built on package gmp, and both the GNU C libraries  GMP and
>  MPFR:
>            https://cran.r-project.org/package=Rmpfr
> )

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