[Rd] Proposed function file.backup

Brian G. Peterson br|@n @end|ng |rom br@verock@com
Thu Feb 14 21:29:47 CET 2019


Why not just pull file.backup our of kutils and put it in its own stand
alone package?

On Thu, 2019-02-14 at 13:02 -0600, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Dear R Core:
> In the kutils package, I wrote a function that is so handy that I
> would like to ask you put it in R itself.
> file.backup() will look at a file, find its last modification time,
> and create a new backup with a name that appends YYYYMMDD-HHMM to the
> file name. So now, whenever I worry that running write.csv or saving
> a graph might destroy something valuable, I use an idiom like
> fn <- "filename.csv"
> file.backup(fn)
> write.csv(fn)
> So If "filename.csv" already exists, it will get a backup copy.  If
> an old backup version exists, the function doesn't re-copy.  In my
> workflow, this is very convenient and it could be integrated with
> other R file writers that have overwrite as a parameter.  If
> overwrite could be set as "backup" instead of TRUE or FALSE, it would
> be convenient.
> I sincerely hope you will consider it:
> ##' Create a backup version of a file by renaming it.
> ##'
> ##' Inserts the date-time of the most recent modification at the
> ##' end of the file name, before the extension.
> ##'
> ##' Return is the new file name that was created, using whatever
> ##' path information was provided in the file's original name.
> However,
> ##' the fullpath argument can be set to TRUE, so a path with the
> ##' full directory name will be created and returned.
> ##'
> ##' @param name A character string for the name of the file.
> ##' @param fullpath Return the full directory path to the
> ##'     file. Default FALSE, return only the file name.
> ##' @param keep.old If FALSE (default), rename the file. Otherwise,
> keep
> old copy.
> ##' @param verbose If TRUE, list the files in the output directory
> ##' @author Shadi Pirhosseinloo <shadi@@ku.edu> Paul Johnson
> <pauljohn@@
> ku.edu>
> ##' @return The name of the newly created file.
> ##' @importFrom tools file_ext
> ##' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
> ##' @export
> ##' @examples
> ##' tdir <- tempdir()
> ##' owd <- getwd()
> ##'
> ##' setwd(tdir)
> ##' system("touch test.1.txt")
> ##' system("touch test.2.txt")
> ##' system("touch test.3.txt")
> ##' system("touch test.4.txt")
> ##' system("touch test.5.txt")
> ##' ## note: no extension next
> ##' system("touch test.6")
> ##' list.files()
> ##' file.backup("test.1.txt")
> ##' file.backup("test.2.txt", fullpath=TRUE)
> ##' list.files()
> ##' setwd(owd)
> ##' file.backup(file.path(tdir, "test.3.txt"))
> ##' ## Next should be same path because input had a full path
> ##' file.backup(file.path(tdir, "test.4.txt"), fullpath=TRUE)
> ##' file.backup(file.path(tdir, "test.5.txt"), fullpath = TRUE,
> verbose =
> ##' file.backup(file.path(tdir, "test.6"))
> file.backup <- function(name, fullpath = FALSE, keep.old = FALSE,
> verbose =
>     if(!file.exists(name)){
>         MESSG <- paste("file", name, "does not exist. No backup
> created.")
>         warning(MESSG)
>         return(NULL)
>     }
>     dir.source <- dirname(normalizePath(name))
>     date_cr <- base::format(base::file.info(name)$mtime, "%Y%m%d-
> %H%M")
>     ext_name <- tools::file_ext(name)
>     noext_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(name)
>     new_name <- paste0(noext_name, "-", date_cr,
>                        if(!ext_name == "") {paste0( ".", ext_name)})
>     ## Abort if new file name already exists
>     if (file.exists(new_name)){
>         MESSG <- paste("backup file already exists. No new backup
> created.")
>         warning(MESSG)
>         return(new_name)
>     }
>     ret <- if(keep.old){
>                file.copy(name, new_name, recursive = TRUE, overwrite
> = TRUE,
>                          copy.mode = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE)
>            }else{
>                file.rename(name, new_name)
>            }
>     if(!ret) {
>         MESSG <- paste("file.rename(", name, ",", new_name, "failed")
>         stop(MESSG)
>     }
>     if(verbose){
>         cat("Full file list of directory:", dir.source, "\n")
>         print(list.files(dir.source))
>         cat("End of file list\n")
>     }
>     if(fullpath){
>         new_name_fullpath <- normalizePath(new_name)
>         return(new_name_fullpath)
>     }
>     ## else, give back adjusted with same path information it had
>     new_name
> }

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