[Rd] Bug when calling system/system2 (and request for Bugzilla account)

Martin Maechler m@echler @ending from @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Tue Sep 18 11:06:17 CEST 2018

>>>>> Emil Bode    on Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:04:29 +0000 writes:

    > I found some strange behaviour, which I think is a bug. 
    > Could someone make an account for me on Bugzilla or
    > pass on my report?

I did create a bugzilla account for you (you should've got the
automatic e-mail in the mean time)...
but *DO* (all readers!) still keep in mind what we wrote carefully in


In particular:

   Not everything that surprises you in R is a bug.
   Rather carefully read the official documentation (the help
   page at a minimum) of a function before claiming a bug. 

I've been a bit appalled about the amount of recent e-mails on
R-devel of people not having looked at the reference
documentation and claiming things...


and you did note and report a real bug indeed,
thank you !!


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