[Rd] Modification-proposal for %% (modulo) when supplied with double
Duncan Murdoch
murdoch@dunc@n @ending from gm@il@com
Tue Sep 11 18:11:29 CEST 2018
On 11/09/2018 11:23 AM, Emil Bode wrote:
> Hi all,
> Could we modify the "%%" (modulo)-operator to include some tolerance for rounding-errors when supplied with doubles?
> It's not much work (patch supplied on the bottom), and I don't think it would break anything, only if you were really interested in analysing rounding differences.
> Any ideas about implementing this and overwriting base::`%%`, or would we want another method (as I've done for the moment)?
I think this is a bad idea. Your comments say "The
\code{\link[base:Arithmetic]{`\%\%`}} operator calculates the modulo,
but sometimes has rounding errors, e.g. "\code{(9.1/.1) \%\% 1}" gives ~
1, instead of 0."
This is false. The %% calculation is exactly correct. The rounding
error happened in your input: 9.1/0.1 is not equal to 91, it is a
little bit less:
> options(digits=20)
> 9.1/.1
[1] 90.999999999999985789
And %% did not return 1, it returned the correct value:
> (9.1/.1) %% 1
[1] 0.99999999999998578915
So it makes no sense to change %%.
You might argue that the division 9.1/.1 is giving the wrong answer, but
in fact that answer is correct too. The real problem is that in double
precision floating point the numbers 9.1 and .1 can't be represented
exactly. This is well known, it's in the FAQ (question 7.31).
Duncan Murdoch
> Background
> I was writing some code where something has to happen at a certain interval, with progress indicated, something like this:
> interval <- .001
> progress <- .1
> for(i in 1:1000*interval) {myFun(i); Sys.sleep(interval); if(i %% progress, 0))) cat(i, '\n')}
> without interval and progress being known in advance. I could work around it and make i integer, or do something like
> isTRUE(all.equal(i %% progress,0)) || isTRUE(all.equal(i %% progress, progress),
> but I think my code is clearer as it is. And I like the idea behind all.equal: we want double to approximately identical.
> So my patch (with roxygen2-markup):
> #' Modulo-operator with near-equality
> #'
> #' The \code{\link[base:Arithmetic]{`\%\%`}} operator calculates the modulo, but sometimes has rounding errors, e.g. "\code{(9.1/.1) \%\% 1}" gives ~ 1, instead of 0.\cr
> #' Comparable to what all.equal does, this operator has some tolerance for small rounding errors.\cr
> #' If the answer would be equal to the divisor within a small tolerance, 0 is returned instead.
> #'
> #' For integer x and y, the normal \%\%-operator is used
> #'
> #' @usage `\%mod\%`(x, y, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
> #' x \%mod\% y
> #' @param x,y numeric vectors, similar to those passed on to \%\%
> #' @param tolerance numeric, maximum difference, see \code{\link[base]{all.equal}}. The default is ~ \code{1.5e-8}
> #' @return identical to the result for \%\%, unless the answer would be really close to y, in which case 0 is returned
> #' @note To specify tolerance, use the call \code{`\%mod\%`(x,y,tolerance)}
> #' @note The precedence for \code{\%mod\%} is the same as that for \code{\%\%}
> #'
> #' @name mod
> #' @rdname mod
> #'
> #' @export
> `%mod%` <- function(x,y, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
> stopifnot(is.numeric(x), is.numeric(y), is.numeric(tolerance),
> !is.na(tolerance), length(tolerance)==1, tolerance>=0)
> if(is.integer(x) && is.integer(y)) {
> return(x %% y)
> } else {
> ans <- x %% y
> return(ifelse(abs(ans-y)<tolerance | abs(ans)<tolerance, 0, ans))
> }
> }
> Best regards,
> Emil Bode
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