[Rd] Proposed speedup of ifelse

Hugh Parsonage hugh@p@r@on@ge @ending from gm@il@com
Thu May 3 06:13:03 CEST 2018

And the patch itself:

--- a/src/library/base/R/ifelse.R
+++ b/src/library/base/R/ifelse.R
@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@

 ifelse <- function (test, yes, no)
+  attributes_of_test <- attributes(test)
   if(is.atomic(test)) { # do not lose attributes
     if (typeof(test) != "logical")
       storage.mode(test) <- "logical"
     ## quick return for cases where 'ifelse(a, x, y)' is used
     ## instead of 'if (a) x else y'
-        if (length(test) == 1 && is.null(attributes(test))) {
+    if (length(test) == 1 && is.null(attributes_of_test)) {
       if (is.na(test)) return(NA)
       else if (test) {
         if (length(yes) == 1) {
@@ -43,6 +45,62 @@ ifelse <- function (test, yes, no)
   else ## typically a "class"; storage.mode<-() typically fails
     test <- if(isS4(test)) methods::as(test, "logical") else as.logical(test)
+  # Give up attempting backwards-compatibility under these conditions:
+  if (typeof(yes) %in% c("logical", "integer", "double", "character") &&
+      typeof(no)  %in% c("logical", "integer", "double", "character") &&
+      !is.factor(yes) &&
+      !is.factor(no) &&
+      length(no) != 0L &&
+      length(yes) != 0L) {
+    if (length(no) == length(test)) {
+      out <- no
+    } else if (length(no) == 1L) {
+      out <- rep_len(no, length(test))
+    } else if (length(no) != 0L) {
+      out <- rep_len(no[1L], length(test))
+    } else {
+      return(.ifelse(test, yes, no))
+    }
+    if (length(yes) != 1L && length(yes) != length(test)) {
+      return(.ifelse(test, yes, no))
+    }
+    if (anyNA(test)) {
+      # no benefit to saving the na results
+      Yes <- which(test)
+      out[is.na(test)] <- NA
+      if (length(yes) == 1L) {
+        out[Yes] <- yes
+      } else if (length(yes) == length(test)) {
+        out[Yes] <- yes[Yes]
+      } else {
+        return(.ifelse(test, yes, no))
+      }
+    } else {
+      # No NAs to deal with
+      if (length(yes) == 1L) {
+        out[test] <- yes
+      } else if (length(yes) == length(test)) {
+        wtest <- which(test) # faster than test directly
+        out[wtest] <- yes[wtest]
+      } else {
+        return(.ifelse(test, yes, no))
+      }
+    }
+    if (!is.null(attributes_of_test)) {
+      attributes(out) <- attributes_of_test
+    }
+    out
+  } else {
+    return(.ifelse(test, yes, no))
+  }
+.ifelse <- function(test, yes, no) {
   ans <- test
   ok <- !is.na(test)
   if (any(test[ok]))

On 3 May 2018 at 13:58, Hugh Parsonage <hugh.parsonage at gmail.com> wrote:
> I propose a patch to ifelse that leverages anyNA(test) to achieve an
> improvement in performance. For a test vector of length 10, the change
> nearly halves the time taken and for a test of length 1 million, there
> is a tenfold increase in speed. Even for small vectors, the
> distributions of timings between the old and the proposed ifelse do
> not intersect.
> The patch does not intend to change the behaviour of ifelse (i.e. it
> is intended to be a drop-in replacement). However, the patch
> inadvertently corrects what I believe to be a bug in the release
> version of ifelse: the documentation says that attributes of test are
> kept; however, this is not true unless test is atomic.
>   library(Matrix)
>   M <- Matrix(-10 + 1:28, 4, 7)
>   ifelse(M, 1, 2)
> The performance improvement does not rely on this, however; so if
> current behaviour in these cases is intended, the patch can be
> trivially amended to reflect this.
> I've written up a short note detailing the performance improvements
> and some unit tests at
> https://hughparsonage.github.io/content/post/A-new-ifelse.html
> Best
> Hugh Parsonage

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