[Rd] Suggesting patch to link DOIs against secure resolver

Katrin Leinweber katrin.leinweber at uni-konstanz.de
Sun Mar 25 19:04:34 CEST 2018

Dear Madams and Sirs,

because the DOI foundation recommends a new, secure resolver [1], I
wanted to suggest the attached patch. It

a) updates a static DOI link in the docu,
b) the code chunks that generate new ones, and
c) a reg-ex that detects DOI links.

Hopefully, my first venture into SVN & patch files was done correctly.
My apologies, if there is anything amiss. In that case, I'll be happy to
update the patch according to your advice.

Thank you, and kind regards,
Katrin Leinweber

[1]: https://www.doi.org/doi_handbook/3_Resolution.html#3.8
[2]: https://github.com/parklab/nozzle/pull/27

PS: I left jss.cls untouched, because I emailed an equivalent patch to
the JSS team already, and presume that their update will trickle down in
due time.

PPS: Through RSiteSearch("DOI resolver") I also found instances of
dx.doi.org in Nozzle.R1, to which I had submitted a PR already [2].

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