[Rd] aggregate() naming -- bug or feature

Randall Pruim rpruim at calvin.edu
Fri Mar 23 14:29:07 CET 2018

In the examples below, the first loses the name attached by foo(), the second retains names attached by bar().  Is this an intentional difference?  I’d prefer that the names be retained in both cases.

foo <- function(x) { c(mean = base::mean(x)) }
bar <- function(x) { c(mean = base::mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x))}
aggregate(iris$Sepal.Length, by = list(iris$Species), FUN = foo)
#>      Group.1     x
#> 1     setosa 5.006
#> 2 versicolor 5.936
#> 3  virginica 6.588
aggregate(iris$Sepal.Length, by = list(iris$Species), FUN = bar)
#>      Group.1    x.mean      x.sd
#> 1     setosa 5.0060000 0.3524897
#> 2 versicolor 5.9360000 0.5161711
#> 3  virginica 6.5880000 0.6358796


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