[Rd] potential Bug in R 3.5.0

Jochen Wirsing jw1085 @ending from wildc@t@@unh@edu
Sun Jun 24 20:41:09 CEST 2018

I am using R under Win7 and Antergos. After installing R 3.5.0 I ran into 
several issues regarding gfortran not working properly and packages not 
installing properly when requiring dependencies (which is quite often the case 
when you have to reinstall all packages for the new R version).
Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the gfortran issue at the moment (occuring 
under Antergos), but regarding the depency-issue, https://pastebin.com/
0nU5n3pH shows one instance of the problem, when using "tidyverse". Adding 
"dependencies = TRUE" does not help. Manual installation of packages (in the 
right order and if an error occurs due to missing dependencies installing 
those packages first) works, but is extremely time consuming and inconvenient.

Also, knitr does not acknowledge packages, even though they are called for 
(using library() in the same code chunk) and therefore cannot compile code 

All this happened only after upgrading to 3.5.0 and I hope those major issues 
can be fixed soon.

Thank you very much!
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