[Rd] Date class shows Inf as NA; this confuses the use of is.na()
Martin Maechler
m@echler @ending from @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Mon Jun 11 11:12:23 CEST 2018
>>>>> Joris Meys
>>>>> on Sat, 9 Jun 2018 13:45:21 +0200 writes:
> And now I've seen I copied the wrong part of ?is.na
>> The default method for is.na applied to an atomic vector
>> returns a
> logical vector of the same length as its argument x,
> containing TRUE for those elements marked NA or, for
> numeric or complex vectors, NaN, and FALSE otherwise.
> Key point being "atomic vector" here.
and a Date vector *is* atomic .. (so I'm confused about what
that issue is .. but read one.
> On Sat, Jun 9, 2018 at 1:41 PM, Joris Meys
> <jorismeys using gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Werner,
>> on ?is.na it says:
>> > The default method for anyNA handles atomic vectors
>> without a class and NULL.
>> I hear you, and it is confusing to say the least. Looking
>> deeper, the culprit seems to be in the conversion of a
>> Date to POSIXlt prior to the formatting:
>> > x <- as.Date(Inf,origin = '1970-01-01')
>> > is.na(as.POSIXlt(x)) [1] TRUE
>> Given this implicit conversion, I'd argue that as.Date
>> should really return NA as well when passed an infinite
>> value. The other option is to provide an is.na method for
>> the Date class, which is -given is.na is an internal
>> generic- rather trivial:
>> > is.na.Date <- function(x) is.na(as.POSIXlt(x))
>> > is.na(x) [1] TRUE
>> This might be a workaround for your current problem
>> without needing changes to R itself. But this will give a
>> "wrong" answer in the sense that this still works:
>> > Sys.Date() - x Time difference of -Inf days
>> I personally would go for NA as the "correct" date for an
>> infinite value, but given that this will have
>> implications in other areas, there is a possibility of
>> breaking code and it should be investigated a bit further
>> imho. Cheers Joris
Indeed. I could argue it is wrong to treat '+/- Inf' as NA for
dates (as well as for date times), because the Inf *does*
contain information in some sense:
Infinitely far in the future
vs Infinitely far in the past
which may make sense in some case ... in the same sense +Inf and
-Inf do make sense for numbers in some cases.
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