[Rd] apply with zero-row matrix

Deepayan Sarkar deep@y@n@@@rk@r @ending from gm@il@com
Tue Jul 31 08:45:19 CEST 2018

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 6:08 PM, Martin Maechler
<maechler using stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>>>>> David Hugh-Jones
>>>>>>     on Mon, 30 Jul 2018 10:12:24 +0100 writes:
>     > Hi Martin, Fair enough for R functions in general. But the
>     > behaviour of apply violates the expectation that apply(m,
>     > 1, fun) calls fun n times when m has n rows.  That seems
>     > pretty basic.
> Well, that expectation is obviously wrong ;-)  see below
>     > Also, I understand from your argument why it makes sense
>     > to call apply and return a special result (presumably
>     > NULL) for an empty argument; but why should apply call fun?
>     > Cheers David
> The reason is seen e.g. in
>     > apply(matrix(,0,3), 2, quantile)
>          [,1] [,2] [,3]
>     0%     NA   NA   NA
>     25%    NA   NA   NA
>     50%    NA   NA   NA
>     75%    NA   NA   NA
>     100%   NA   NA   NA
>     >

I don't think this example is relevant to what David is saying:
matrix(,0,3) has three columns, so he would expect quantile() to be
called 3 times, as it is.

I think his question is why quantile() is called at all when the input
has 0 rows, as in

apply(matrix(,0,3), 1, quantile)
# named numeric(0)

> and that is documented (+/-) in the first paragraph of the
> 'Value:' section of help(apply) :
>  > Value:
>  >
>  >      If each call to ‘FUN’ returns a vector of length ‘n’, then ‘apply’
>  >      returns an array of dimension ‘c(n, dim(X)[MARGIN])’ if ‘n > 1’.
>  >      If ‘n’ equals ‘1’, ‘apply’ returns a vector if ‘MARGIN’ has length
>  >      1 and an array of dimension ‘dim(X)[MARGIN]’ otherwise.  If ‘n’ is
>  >      ‘0’, the result has length 0 but not necessarily the ‘correct’
>  >      dimension.
> To determine 'n', the function *is* called once even when
> length(X) ==  0

This part of the docs also doesn't seem applicable, and in fact seems
incorrect: here we should have (according to the docs)

n = length(quantile(logical(0))) # 5

but the result does not have dim == c(5, 0) as the docs suggest:

dim(apply(matrix(,0,3), 1, quantile))

So the length of the result of calling FUN() seems to be ignored in
this case, and as Emil points out, is only used to determine the mode
of the result.

I can't immediately think of an example where returning NULL instead
would make a difference, but there may well be some.


> It may indeed be would helpful to add this explicitly to the
> help page  ( <R>/src/library/base/man/apply.Rd ).
> Can you propose a wording (in *.Rd if possible) ?
> With regards,
> Martin
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