[Rd] Documentation examples for lm and glm

S Ellison S@Elli@on @ending from LGCGroup@com
Mon Dec 17 13:49:14 CET 2018

> From: Thomas Yee [mailto:t.yee using auckland.ac.nz]
> Thanks for the discussion. I do feel quite strongly that
> the variables should always be a part of a data frame. 

This seems pretty much a decision for R core, and I think it's useful to have raised the issue.

But I, er, feel strongly that strong feelings and 'always' are unsafe in a best practice argument. 

First, other folk with different use-cases or work practice may see 'best practice' quite differently. So I would pretty much always expect exceptions.

Second, for examples of capability, there are too many exceptions in this instance. For example:
glm() can take a two-column matrix as a single response variable. 
lm() can take a matrix as a response variable. 
lm() can take a complete data frame as a predictor (see ?stackloss)

None of these work naturally if everything is in a data frame, and some won’t work at all.

Steve E

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