[Rd] Function I mean not to export keeps being documented in a manual?

Marta Karaś m@rt@@k@r@@@ @ending from gm@il@com
Mon Dec 17 04:51:35 CET 2018

I am developing an R package which has a function I decided not to export.
I believe the roxygen information states that the function is not going to
be exported, yet I still see the function in the manual PDF (as generated
in command line via `CMD Rd2pdf package_dir`). What is wrong with my
preamble that the function is still being documented in a manual?

#' Generates plots for demo of package functions which take time series and
#' window width parameters
#' @param func runstats package core function
#' @param plt.title.vec vector of function-specific plot titles
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @importFrom graphics abline lines par plot points polygon title
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' func <- RunningMean
#' vec <- c("black: x\nred: W-width running window",
#'          "RunningMean(x, W)",
#'          "RunningMean(x, W, circular = TRUE)")
#' plot.no.pattern(func, vec)
#' }
plot.no.pattern <- function(func, plt.title.vec){

Bests / Pozdrawiam,
Marta Karas

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