[Rd] incomplete description of return value of stats::uniroot()?
Georgi Boshnakov
georgi@bo@hn@kov @ending from m@nche@ter@@c@uk
Mon Dec 3 13:48:49 CET 2018
The "Value" section in the documentation of stats::uniroot() mentions component "init.it" of the returned result:
> "... Further components may be added in future: component \code{init.it} was added in \R 3.1.0."
I don't see "init.it" described anywhere in that help page. It is technically not an omission, since the description says "at least the following components...", so maybe it is absent on purpose?
>From my reading of the source something like the following could be added to src/library/stats/man/uniroot.Rd, before the sentence quoted above:
\code{iter} includes the number of iterations, if any, done initially to ensure opposite signs at the ends of the interval.
This number is available separately in component \code{init.it}. If no extension of the interval was attempted, \code{init.it} is set to NA.
Georgi Boshnakov
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