[Rd] Duncan's retirement: who's taking over Rtools?

Juan Telleria jtelleriar at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 19:09:58 CEST 2017

The Apache Foundation has a whole article stating that open source projects
shall be managed and used independently of any commercial interest:


So Microsoft could donate, if interested, money or other resources for such
specific role, but always taking special care of company interest


El 29/9/2017 2:23 p. m., "Juan Telleria" <jtelleriar at gmail.com> escribió:

> I agree with Moshe.
> It is important to maintain the independence of R as a programming
> language by itselft, even if it could benefit from Microsoft work (C++ Base
> Code, etc.), it is better in my opinion to keep it independent.
> Also, Duncan work and know-how shall be transferred to the next future R
> Core Developer which will be in charge of Duncan's roles. And, if
> appropriate, transfer the scripts Duncan might use, the documentation, etc.
> Thank you,
> Juan

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