[Rd] readLines() segfaults on large file & question on how to work around

Iñaki Úcar i.ucar86 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 3 01:18:51 CEST 2017

2017-09-02 20:58 GMT+02:00 Jennifer Lyon <jennifer.s.lyon at gmail.com>:
> Hi:
> I have a 2.1GB JSON file. Typically I use readLines() and
> jsonlite:fromJSON() to extract data from a JSON file.
> When I try and read in this file using readLines() R segfaults.
> I believe the two salient issues with this file are
> 1). Its size
> 2). It is a single line (no line breaks)

As a workaround you can pipe something like "sed s/,/,\\n/g" before
your R script to insert line breaks.


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