[Rd] source(), parse(), and foreign UTF-8 characters

Kirill Müller kirill.mueller at ivt.baug.ethz.ch
Tue May 9 09:42:56 CEST 2017


I'm having trouble sourcing or parsing a UTF-8 file that contains 
characters that are not representable in the current locale ("foreign 
characters") on Windows. The source() function stops with an error, the 
parse() function reencodes all foreign characters using the <U+xxxx> 
notation. I have added a reproducible example below the message.

This seems well within the bounds of documented behavior, although the 
documentation to source() could mention that the file can't contain 
foreign characters. Still, I'd prefer if UTF-8 "just worked" in R, and 
I'm willing to invest substantial time to help with that. Before 
starting to write a detailed proposal, I feel that I need a better 
understanding of the problem, and I'm grateful for any feedback you 
might have.

I have looked into character encodings in the context of the dplyr 
package, and I have observed the following behavior:

- Strings are treated preferentially in the native encoding
- Only upon specific request (via translateCharUTF8() or enc2utf8() or 
...), they are translated to UTF-8 and marked as such
- On UTF-8 systems, strings are never marked as UTF-8
- ASCII strings are marked as ASCII internally, but this information 
doesn't seem to be available, e.g., Encoding() returns "unknown" for 
such strings
- Most functions in R are encoding-agnostic: they work the same 
regardless if they receive a native or UTF-8 encoded string if they are 
properly tagged
- One important difference are symbols, which must be in the native 
encoding (and are always converted to native encoding, using <U+xxxx> 
- I/O is centered around the native encoding, e.g., writeLines() always 
reencodes to the native encoding
- There is the "bytes" encoding which avoids reencoding.

I haven't looked into serialization or plot devices yet.

The conclusion to the "UTF-8 manifesto" [1] suggests "... to use UTF-8 
narrow strings everywhere and convert them back and forth when using 
platform APIs that don’t support UTF-8 ...". (It is written in the 
context of the UTF-16 encoding used internally on Windows, but seems to 
apply just the same here for the native encoding.) I think that Unicode 
support in R could be greatly improved if we follow these guidelines. 
This seems to mean:

- Convert strings to UTF-8 as soon as possible, and mark them as such 
(also on systems where UTF-8 is the native encoding)
- Translate to native only upon specific request, e.g., in calls to API 
functions or perhaps for .C()
- Use UTF-8 for symbols
- Avoid the forced round-trip to the native encoding in I/O functions 
and for parsing (but still read/write native by default)
- Carefully look into serialization and plot devices
- Add helper functions that simplify mundane tasks such as 
reading/writing a UTF-8 encoded file

I'm sure I've missed many potential pitfalls, your input is greatly 
appreciated. Thanks for your attention.

Further ressources: A write-up by Prof. Ripley [2], a section in R-ints 
[3], a blog post by Ista Zahn [4], a StackOverflow search [5].

Best regards


[1] http://utf8everywhere.org/#conclusions

[2] https://developer.r-project.org/Encodings_and_R.html




# Use one of the following:
id <- "Gl\u00fcck"
id <- "\u5e78\u798f"
id <- "\u0441\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c\u0435"
id <- "\ud589\ubcf5"

file_contents <- paste0('"', id, '"')
raw_file_contents <- charToRaw(file_contents)

path <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
writeBin(raw_file_contents, path)

# Escapes the string
parse(text = file_contents)

# Throws an error
print(source(path, encoding = "UTF-8"))

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