[Rd] [Bug Fix] Default values not applied to ... arguments

Sahil Kang sahil.kang at asilaycomputing.com
Thu Jul 6 16:40:23 CEST 2017

Hi Duncan, Martin

Here's a small patch that fixes bug 15199 reported at:

I was able to reproduce the bug as Duncan had outlined just fine, but I 
did notice that when we debug(f), the problem went away.
I later realized that f(1,,3) behaved correctly the first time it was 
executed, but misbehaved as documented on subsequent calls.
This narrowed the problem down to the byte-compilation that occurs on 
subsequent function calls.

This patch prevents byte-compilation on closure objects.
Although it's a less than ideal solution, this patch fixes the bug at 
least until the underlying byte-compilation issue can be found (I'm 
currently scrutinizing the promiseArgs function at eval.c:2771).

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