[Rd] c(<Matrix>, <Matrix>) / help(dotsMethods) etc

Michael Lawrence lawrence.michael at gene.com
Sat Sep 10 20:16:05 CEST 2016

One option would be to use the same strategy that we use for cbind()
and rbind(), i.e., if dispatch fails, call a binary generic, c2(),
recursively. Could do the same for pmin() and pmax().


On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 8:27 AM, Martin Maechler
<maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
> I have been asked  (by Roger; thank you for the good question,
>                     and I hope it's fine to answer to the public) :
>     > with Pi a sparse matrix and x,y, and ones
>     > compatible n-vectors — when I do:
>     >> c(t(x) %*% Pi %*% ones, t(ones) %*% Pi %*% y )
>     > [[1]] 1 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
>     > [,1] [1,]
>     > 0.1338527
>     > [[2]] 1 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
>      [,1] [1,]
>     > 0.7810341
>     > I get a list whereas if Pi is an ordinary matrix I get a
>     > vector.  Is this intentional?
> Well, no.  But it has been "unavoidable" in the sense that it had not
> been possible to provide S4 methods for '...' in the "remote"
> past, when  Matrix was created.
> Later ... also quite a few years ago, John Chambers had added
> that possibility, with still some limitation (all '...' must be
> of the same class), and also plans to remove some of the
> limitations, see   ?dotsMethods  in R.
> I honestly have forgotten the history of my trying to provide 'c'
> methods for our "Matrix" objects after the  'dotsMethods'
> possibility had emerged,  but I know I tried and had not seen a
> way to succeed "satisfactorily",
> but maybe I now think I maybe should try again.
> I currently think this needs changes to R before it can be done
> satisfactorily, and this is the main reason why this is a public
> answer to R-devel at ..., but I'm happy if I'am wrong.
> The real challenge here is that I think that if it  should "work",
> it should work so in all cases, e.g., also for
>     c(NA, 3:2, Matrix(2:1), matrix(10:11))
> and that's not so easy, e.g., the following class and method
> definitions do *not* achieve the desired result:
> ## "mMatrix" is already hidden in Matrix pkg:
> setClassUnion("mMatrix", members = c("matrix", "Matrix"))
> setClassUnion("numMatrixLike", members =
>                 c("logical", "integer","numeric", "mMatrix"))
> c.Matrix <- function(...) unlist(lapply(list(...), as.vector))
> ## NB: Must use   signature  '(x, ..., recursive = FALSE)' :
> setMethod("c", "Matrix", function(x, ..., recursive) c.Matrix(x,
> ...))
> ## The above is not sufficient for
> ##    c(NA, 3:2, <Matrix>, <matrix>) :
> setMethod("c", "numMatrixLike", function(x, ..., recursive)
>    c.Matrix(x, ...))
> ## but the above does not really help:
>> c(Diagonal(3), NA, Matrix(10:11))   ## works fine,
>  [1]  1  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  1 NA 10 11
>> c(NA, Diagonal(3)) ## R's lowlevel c() already decided to use list():
> [[1]]
>  [1] NA
> [[2]]
>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
>      [1,]    1    .    .
>      [2,]    .    1    .
>      [3,]    .    .    1
> ----------------------------------------------
> BTW, I (and the package users) suffer from exactly the same
> problem with the "MPFR" (multi precision numbers) provided by my
> package Rmpfr:
>> require(Rmpfr)
>> c(mpfr(3,100), 1/mpfr(7, 80)) ## works fine
> 2 'mpfr' numbers of precision  80 .. 100  bits
> [1]                            3 0.14285714285714285714285708
>> c(pi, 1/mpfr(7, 80)) ## "fails" even worse than in 'Matrix' case
> [[1]]
> [1] 3.141593
> [[2]]
> 'mpfr1' 0.14285714285714285714285708
> Yes, it would be very nice  if  c(.)  could be used to
> concatenate quite arbitrary  R objects into one long atomic
> vector, but I don't see how to achieve this easily.
> The fact, that  c()  just builds a list of its arguments if it
> ("thinks" it) cannot dispatch to a method, is a good strategy,
> but I'd hope it should be possible to have c() try to do better
> (and hence work for this case, and
> without a noticable performance penalty.
> Suggestions are very welcome.
> Martin
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