[Rd] R without graphics

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue May 24 01:54:36 CEST 2016

On 23 May 2016 at 16:44, Mick Jordan wrote:
| Is it possible to configure and build an R without any graphics support. 
| I..e no grDevices or graphics packages?
| I tried "--with-x=no  --with-cairo=no --with-grDevices=no 
| --with-graphics=no"
| but it is still building grDevices.
| My problem is that I am using experimenting with a compiler that cannot 
| compile the Objective-C file, qdCocoa.m, and I don't need graphics for 
| this experiment.
| Max OS X El Capitan, R-3.2.4.

Yes of course and all of this is documented, and discussed in many places.

i)   You still need x11 in most cases for _font metrics_

ii)  The key is more or less to build as normal and to run headless

iii) To run headless under a normal Unix OS, you prefix your commands with

iv)  I have no idea what special demands Cupertino puts on this.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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