[Rd] Storage of byte code-compiled functions in sysdata.rda

Peter Ruckdeschel peter.ruckdeschel at web.de
Sun May 1 13:49:47 CEST 2016

Hi r-devels,

we are seeing a new problem with our packages RobAStRDA (just new on CRAN, thanks
to Uwe and Kurt!) and RobExtremes (to be submitted).

It must be something recent with the way you internally treat/store byte-code compiled
functions, as we have no problems with R-3.1.3, but do see an "Error in fct(x) : byte code
version mismatch" with R-devel SVNrev r70532.

Starting from several x-y grids, in the sysdata.rda file of RobAStRDA, we store the results 
of calls to approxfun/splinefun to these grids from within a session with pkg RobAStRDA 
require()d.  From pkg RobExtremes we then call these interpolating functions by means of 
a call (essentially) as:

getFromNamespace(".RMXE", ns = "RobAStRDA")[["GEVFamily"]][["fun.N"]][[1]](1.3)

upon which we get the announced "Error in fct(x) : byte code version mismatch" while the same 
code does work for R-3.1.3.

The list element "fun.N" in the above call already accounts for a different behaviour for
pre R-3.0.0 (would have given "fun.O") and post R-3.0.0 ("fun.N") results of approxfun/
splinefun, but the interpolating functions in branch "fun.N" have been produced in
R-devel SVNrev r70532, so we would have expected our code getFromNamespace(.....) above to 
work in R-devel as well.

Could you give us any hints how to

(a) store the interpolating functions resulting from approxfun/splinefun in pkg RobAStRDA
    correctly in recent R-versions and
(b) call these functions in pkg RobExtremes ?

We already did import stats::approxfun and stats::splinefun into the NAMESPACEs of pkgs
RobAStRDA and RobExtremes.

Thanks for your help already,

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