[Rd] A request regarding R GUI

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 12:52:53 CEST 2016

On 02/08/2016 4:02 AM, S Iqbal wrote:
> Hi,
> I use R on windows and linux. It is regarding R GUI in linux.
> In linux the output and script spaces are stacked vertically. It becomes
> cumbersome to check the output or script in the space whenever the output
> or script are longer than the space available.
> The GUI in linux should be like that in Windows. The output and script
> windows are two seperate resizable child windows. These windows can be
> arranged or resized as per the requirement. If output is big then the
> output window can be maximized.
> I wish the Windows like R GUI may be implemented in Linux also.

It sounds as though you're talking about RStudio on Windows, not the R 
GUI.  If so, you should use RStudio on Linux as well; it is very similar.

Duncan Murdoch

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