[Rd] authorship and citation

Adrian Dușa dusa.adrian at unibuc.ro
Tue Oct 6 23:37:03 CEST 2015

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 11:58 PM, Adrian Dușa <dusa.adrian at unibuc.ro> wrote:
> [...]
> If the spirit of the CRAN policies is to enforce citing each and every
one of the authors, then I don't understand why the citation from package
Rcmdr meets this spirit, while my suggestion doesn't.
> I apologize for pushing this topic to the limit, but I haven't got an
answer to this question yet...

Out of curiosity, upon random checks there seem to be many other packages
in similar situations (which have multiple authors, but cite only a subset):

What all of these cases seem to have in common is an older published
journal article, and the citation adhered to that article irrespective of
how many authors subsequently contributed to that package.

Would it suffice to provide such an article, then?

Adrian Dusa
University of Bucharest
Romanian Social Data Archive
Soseaua Panduri nr.90
050663 Bucharest sector 5

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