[Rd] QT + RInside problem complement

PO SU rdevelmail at 163.com
Fri Jun 19 18:37:13 CEST 2015

The solution post is here:

In the paragraph:

I did need however to install Rcpp and RInside from source, and with the same 
compiler used to compile qtdensity (otherwise I would get additional linker 
errors). As I had trouble getting the (Cygwin-based) g++ shipped with Rtools 
to work with Qt, I used instead the g++ shipped with Qt SDK to compile Rcpp 
and RInside. To do that, I adjusted the PATH environment variable to point to 
QtSDK\mingw\bin instead of Rtools\gcc-4.6.3\bin.

With the sentence:
I used instead the g++ shipped with Qt SDK to compile Rcpp 

and RInside.   

I failed to do that, anyone know why? can MingW compile the Rcpp and Rinside ?  I don't know if i explain my question clearly.


mail: desolator88 at 163.com
Majored in Statistics from SJTU

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