[Rd] S3 generic method dispatch on promises

Paul Johnson pauljohn32 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 00:02:36 CET 2015

Dear R friends

I wanted a function to make a simple percent table that would be easy for
students to use. The goal originally was to have a simple thing people
would call like this

pctable(rowvar, colvar, data)

and the things "rowvar" and "colvar" might be names of variables in data. I
wanted to avoid the usage of "with" (as we now see in the table help).

Then some people wanted more features, and I agreed with the suggestion to
create a formula interface that people can call like so:

pctable(rowvar ~ colvar, data)

I end up with a generic function pctable and methods pctable.default,
pctable.formula, pctable.character.

I got that working, mostly I understand what's going on.

Except the following, which, actually, is a good lesson to me about
promises and method dispatch in R. An S3 generic will not send a call with
a promise in the first argument to pctable.default (as I had mistakenly
hoped). I'll paste in all the code below, but I think you will know the
answer even without running it.

pctable is a generic function.  In workspace, I have no objects x and y,
but there are variables inside data.frame dat named x and y.   Since y is
not an object, the method dispatch fails thus:

> pctable(y, x, dat)
Error in pctable(y, x, dat) (from #3) : object 'y' not found

This direct call on pctable.default works (recall  y and x are promises):

> pctable.default(y, x, dat)
Count (column %)
y     1      2      3      4      Sum
  A   5(20%) 3(12%) 5(20%) 6(24%) 19
  B   9(36%) 5(20%) 4(16%) 6(24%) 24
  C   1(4%)  6(24%) 3(12%) 2(8%)  12
  D   4(16%) 4(16%) 6(24%) 5(20%) 19
  E   6(24%) 7(28%) 7(28%) 6(24%) 26
  Sum 25     25     25     25     100

All the methods work fine when the first argument is a language object.

This works (dispatches to pctable.formula)

> pctable(y ~ x, dat)
Count (column %)
y     1      2      3      4      Sum
  A   5(20%) 3(12%) 5(20%) 6(24%) 19
  B   9(36%) 5(20%) 4(16%) 6(24%) 24
  C   1(4%)  6(24%) 3(12%) 2(8%)  12
  D   4(16%) 4(16%) 6(24%) 5(20%) 19
  E   6(24%) 7(28%) 7(28%) 6(24%) 26
  Sum 25     25     25     25     100

This works (dispatches to pctable.default)
> pctable(dat$y, dat$x)
Count (column %)
dat$y 1      2      3      4      Sum
  A   5(20%) 3(12%) 5(20%) 6(24%) 19
  B   9(36%) 5(20%) 4(16%) 6(24%) 24
  C   1(4%)  6(24%) 3(12%) 2(8%)  12
  D   4(16%) 4(16%) 6(24%) 5(20%) 19
  E   6(24%) 7(28%) 7(28%) 6(24%) 26
  Sum 25     25     25     25     100

However, this fails because y is not an object with a type

> pctable(y, x, dat)
Error in pctable(y, x, dat) (from #3) : object 'y' not found

Can R be tricked to send that call to pctable.default, where it does work?

Here's the code, I'm working on documentation, will put in package
rockchalk eventually, but hate to leave this problem until I fully
understand it.

pctable <- function(rv, ...)

## rv: row variable, quoted or not
## cv: column variable, quoted or not
pctable.default <- function(rv, cv, data = parent.frame(),
                            rvlab = NULL, cvlab = NULL,
                            colpct = TRUE, rowpct = FALSE,
                            exclude = c(NA, NaN), rounded = FALSE)
    rvlabel <- if (!missing(rv)) deparse(substitute(rv))
    cvlabel <- if (!missing(cv)) deparse(substitute(cv))
    rvlab <- if (is.null(rvlab)) rvlabel else rvlab
    cvlab <- if (is.null(cvlab)) cvlabel else cvlab

    rvin <- eval(substitute(rv), envir = data, enclos = parent.frame())
    cvin <- eval(substitute(cv), envir = data, enclos = parent.frame())

    t1 <- table(rvin, cvin, dnn = c(rvlab, cvlab), exclude = exclude)
    rownames(t1)[is.na(rownames(t1))] <- "NA" ## symbol to letters
    colnames(t1)[is.na(colnames(t1))] <- "NA"
    if (rounded) t1 <- round(t1, -1)
    t2 <- addmargins(t1, c(1,2))
    t1colpct <- round(100*prop.table(t1, 2), 1)
    t1rowpct <- round(100*prop.table(t1, 1), 1)
    t1colpct <- apply(t1colpct, c(1,2), function(x) gsub("NaN", "", x))
    t1rowpct <- apply(t1rowpct, c(1,2), function(x) gsub("NaN", "", x))
    res <- list("count" = t2, "colpct" = t1colpct, "rowpct" = t1rowpct,
call = match.call())
    class(res) <- "pctable"
    print(res, colpct = colpct, rowpct = rowpct)

pctable.formula <- function(formula, data = NULL,  rvlab = NULL,
                            cvlab = NULL, colpct = TRUE, rowpct = FALSE,
                            exclude = c(NA, NaN), rounded = FALSE,
                            ..., subset = NULL)

    if (missing(data) || !is.data.frame(data)) stop("pctable requires a
data frame")
    if (missing(formula) || (length(formula) != 3L))
        stop("pctable requires a two sided formula")
    mt <- terms(formula, data = data)
    if (attr(mt, "response") == 0L) stop("response variable is required")
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    keepers <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
names(mf), 0L)
    mf <- mf[c(1L, keepers)]
    mf$drop.unused.levels <- FALSE
    mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    ## response is column 1
    rvlab <- if (missing(rvlab)) colnames(mf)[1] else rvlab
    cvlab <- if (missing(cvlab)) colnames(mf)[2] else cvlab

    res <- pctable.default(mf[[1L]], mf[[2L]], data = mf,
                           rvlab = rvlab, cvlab = cvlab,
                           colpct = colpct, rowpct = rowpct,
                           exclude = exclude, rounded = rounded)

pctable.character <- function(rowvar, colvar, data = NULL, rvlab = NULL,
                            cvlab = NULL, colpct = TRUE,
                            rowpct = FALSE, exclude = c(NA, NaN), rounded =
                            ..., subset = NULL)

    if (missing(data) || !is.data.frame(data)) stop("pctable requires a
data frame")
    ## colvar <- if (!is.character(colvar)) deparse(substitute(colvar))
else colvar
    colvar <- as.character(substitute(colvar))[1L]

    rvlab <- if (missing(rvlab)) rowvar else rvlab
    cvlab <- if (missing(cvlab)) colvar else cvlab

    t1 <- with(data, table(data[[rowvar]], data[[colvar]], dnn = c(rvlab,
cvlab), exclude = exclude))
    rownames(t1)[is.na(rownames(t1))] <- "NA" ## symbol to letters
    colnames(t1)[is.na(colnames(t1))] <- "NA"
    if (rounded) t1 <- round(t1, -1)
    t2 <- addmargins(t1, c(1,2))
    t1colpct <- round(100*prop.table(t1, 2), 1)
    t1rowpct <- round(100*prop.table(t1, 1), 1)
    t1colpct <- apply(t1colpct, c(1,2), function(x) gsub("NaN", "", x))
    t1rowpct <- apply(t1rowpct, c(1,2), function(x) gsub("NaN", "", x))

    res <- list("count" = t2, "colpct" = t1colpct, "rowpct" = t1rowpct,
call = match.call())
    class(res) <- "pctable"
    print(res, colpct = colpct, rowpct = rowpct)

## OK, I see now I'm doing the same work over and over, will extract
## a middle chunk out of each of those methods.  And finally my cool print

print.pctable <- function(tab, colpct = TRUE, rowpct = FALSE){
    count <- tab[["count"]]

    t3 <- count
    if (colpct && !rowpct) {
        cpct <- tab[["colpct"]]
        for(j in rownames(cpct)){
            for(k in colnames(cpct)){
                t3[j, k] <- paste0(count[j, k], "(", cpct[j, k], "%)")
        cat("Count (column %)\n")

    ## rowpct == TRUE< else would have returned
    rpct <- tab[["rowpct"]]
    for(j in rownames(rpct)){
        for(k in colnames(rpct)){
            t3[j, k] <- paste0(count[j, k], "(", rpct[j, k], "%)")

    if (!colpct) {
        cat("Count (row %)\n")
    } else {
        cpct <- tab[["colpct"]]
        t4 <- array("", dim = c(1, 1) + c(2,1)*dim(tab$colpct))
        t4[seq(1, NROW(t4), 2), ] <- t3
        rownames(t4)[seq(1, NROW(t4), 2)] <- rownames(t3)
        rownames(t4)[is.na(rownames(t4))] <- ""
        colnames(t4) <- colnames(t3)
        for(j in rownames(tab[["colpct"]])) {
            for(k in colnames(tab[["colpct"]])){
                t4[1 + which(rownames(t4) == j) ,k] <-
paste0(tab[["colpct"]][j, k], "%")


        names(dimnames(t4)) <- names(dimnames(count))

        cat("Count (row %)\n")
        cat("column %\n")
        print(t4, quote = FALSE)

And usage examples

dat <- data.frame(x = gl(4, 25),
                  y = sample(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), 100, replace=

## Here's what I was aiming for, in the beginning
pctable(y ~ x, dat)
pctable(y ~ x, dat, exclude = NULL)
pctable(y ~ x, dat, rvlab = "My Outcome Var", cvlab = "My Columns")
## People who like row percents asked for this
pctable(y ~ x, dat, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = FALSE)
## Some people want both. Tiresome.
pctable(y ~ x, dat, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = TRUE)
pctable(y ~ x, dat, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = TRUE, exclude = NULL)
tab <- pctable(y ~ x, dat, rvlab = "My Outcome Var", cvlab = "My Columns")
print(tab, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = FALSE)
print.pctable(tab, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = TRUE)

## I also wanted an interface that would allow calls like
## pctable(y, x, dat)
## which I was able to do, but not when pctable is a method.
## As long as one writes in an existing variable, this dispatches
## pctable.default and result is OK
pctable(dat$y, dat$x)
pctable(dat$y, dat$x, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = FALSE)
pctable(dat$y, dat$x, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = TRUE)
pctable(dat$y, dat$x, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = TRUE, exclude = NULL)

tab <- pctable(dat$y, dat$x)
print(tab, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = FALSE)
print(tab, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = TRUE)

pctable(dat$y, dat$x, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = TRUE, exclude = c(NA, "E"))
pctable(dat$y, dat$x, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = TRUE, exclude = c("E"))
## Why do NA's get excluded
pctable(dat$y, dat$x, rowpct = TRUE, colpct = TRUE, exclude = c("B", "2"))

## This succeeds
pctable.default(y, x, dat)
## Next causes error
pctable(y, x, dat)

## Error in pctable(y, x, dat) (from #3) : object 'y' not found

At one point yesterday, I was on the verge of comprehending the parse tree

Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science      Acting. Director
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504      Center for Research Methods
University of Kansas                 University of Kansas
http://pj.freefaculty.org               http://crmda.ku.edu

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