[Rd] New version of Rtools for Windows

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 17:00:15 CET 2015

I have just uploaded to CRAN a new version of Rtools for 
Windows.  This will become visible there in a few hours, and be copied 
to mirrors thereafter.  People who want to build packages that include 
compiled code can use this to supply the compilers, etc., that are 
necessary for the build.  It also includes some extra materials for 
people who want to build R itself.

This version includes only minor updates to the tools.  I indicated last 
summer that I was hoping to update GCC from the current version 4.6.3 
before the R 3.2.0 release, but this now looks unlikely, unless someone 
else with experience building it can help.
(I need a new build script for it that I can run, not just a binary 
copy.  So far I have been unsuccessful in updating the scripts 
inhttp://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/Rtools/multilib/multi.zip , or finding 
other scripts online that work.)

Duncan Murdoch

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