[Rd] RFC: sigma() in package:stats ?
Martin Maechler
maechler at lynne.stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Apr 10 16:28:06 CEST 2015
I'm proposing to add something like this to the stats package :
### "The" sigma in lm/nls - "like" models:
sigma <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("sigma")
## works whenever deviance(), nobs() and coef() do fine:
sigma.default <- function (object, use.fallback=TRUE, ...)
sqrt(deviance(object, ...) /
(nobs(object, use.fallback=use.fallback) - length(coef(object))))
[Yes, even though I am known to love S4 classes, and also
methods, I propose an S3 generic here because it should go
along with other typical S3 generics and methods, such as
coef(), vcov(), ...
The main reason/motivation for (something like) this is to
provide encapsulation / abstraction for the following :
Different (S3 and S4) fitted model objects use different ways to store
the \hat\sigma (or \sqrt{\hat{\sigma^2}} - formally not quite
the same !) as part of their object, and if I use methods which
compare models, putting these into tables, etc,
it is much nicer to use sigma(.) instead of having to use
model-specific extractors.
If I'm searching in our large collection of installed packages,
I'm seeing
> help.search("^sigma$")
Help files with alias or concept or title matching ‘^sigma$’ using regular
expression matching:
AdaptFitOS::sigma Extract estimated varying residual variance
Aliases: sigma
Paramter of a multivariate normal distribution
Aliases: sigma
dlmodeler::dlmodeler.fit Fitting function for a model (MLE, MSE, MAD, sigma)
Concepts: sigma
elliptic::WeierstrassP Weierstrass P and related functions
Aliases: sigma
gcExplorer::sigma E. coli Sigma Factors and Global Regulators
Aliases: sigma
investr::Sigma Extract residual standard error
Aliases: Sigma
lme4::sigma Extract residual standard error
Aliases: sigma
mbest::predict.mhglm Prediction
Aliases: sigma
nlmeU::sigma Extract scale parameter sigma from a model fit
Aliases: sigma
numbers::sigma Divisor Functions
Aliases: sigma
pmclust::PARAM A Set of Parameters in Model-Based Clustering.
Aliases: SIGMA
qualityTools::sigma Get and set methods
Aliases: sigma
robustbase::sigma Extract Residual Standard Error 'Sigma'
Aliases: sigma
rugarch::uGARCHfit-class class: Univariate GARCH Fit Class
Aliases: sigma
shapes::distCholesky Internal function(s)
Aliases: sigma
which also shows to the curious why I am making this
proposition: I'm co-author of both the 'lme4' and 'robustbase' packages
which already make use of this.
Note that the default method would already work for
lm(), nls(), and (some) glm() model fits.
It may still make sense to use a slightly faster more explicit
sigma.ls() method, but that's not the topic of this
conversation, I think.
Martin Maechler,
ETH Zurich and R Core
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