[Rd] Patch for R to fix some buffer overruns and add a missing PROTECT().

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 21:42:40 CEST 2014

On 23/09/2014 3:20 PM, Karl Millar wrote:
> This patch is against current svn and contains three classes of fix:
>     - Ensure the result is properly terminated after calls to strncpy()
>     - Replace calls of sprintf() with snprintf()
>     - Added a PROTECT() call in do_while which could cause memory
> errors if evaluating the condition results in a warning.

Nothing was attached.

Generally fixes like this are best sent to bugs.r-project.org, and they 
receive highest priority if accompanied by code demonstrating why they 
are needed, i.e. crashes or incorrect results in current R.  Those will 
likely be incorporated as regression tests.

Duncan Murdoch

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