[Rd] last user argument missing from Rscript --verbose

Harris A. Jaffee hj at jhu.edu
Thu Sep 18 19:32:29 CEST 2014

The loop that echoes the arguments almost always stops too soon.  It apparently does that to avoid
echoing the "--args" (that had been inserted) when there are no user arguments.  However, when there
are user arguments, the next element of the 'av' array is the last argument and usually not "--args",
although it can be.

?Rscript is a little sketchy:

     ‘--verbose’ gives details of what ‘Rscript’ is doing.  Also passed
          on to R.

What is passed to R is correct, but the diagnostic is not:

 $ Rscript --verbose /dev/null 1 2
  '/path_to_R --slave --no-restore --file=/dev/null --args 1'

Fixed (only tested on Mac):

 $ Rscript --verbose /dev/null 1 2
  '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.1/Resources/bin/R --slave --no-restore --file=/dev/null --args 1 2'

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