[Rd] Citation if copying R base code

Peter Meissner retep.meissner at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 17:01:07 CET 2014

Thank you all for your advise, comments and suggestions.

To keep it simple and play it fair and save, I choose to take the 
following actions:


- the License now reads:
License: GPL (>= 2)

- the Authors are specified as
Authors at R: as.person(c(
     "Peter Meissner <retep.meissner at gmail.com> [aut, cre]",
     "R Core team [ctb] (wp_date() derived from base package as.Date())"

Also, the wp_date() help files mention where I copied and where I did 
rewrite code. I hope that's fine and good for everyone.

Puh. - That's it.

Best, Peter

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