[Rd] Fwd: No source view when using gdb

Pierrick Bruneau pbruneau at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 15:07:53 CET 2014

Works like a charm, thanks!

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Martyn Plummer <plummerm at iarc.fr> wrote:
> On Thu, 2014-12-11 at 14:00 +0100, Pierrick Bruneau wrote:
>> Dear R contributors,
>> Say I want to debug some C code invoked through .Call() - say
>> "varbayes" in the VBmix package. following the instructions in
>> "Writing R Extensions", I perform the following actions :
>> R -d gdb
>> run
>> library(VBmix)
>> break varbayes
>> signal 0
>> mod <- varbayes(as.matrix(iris)[,1:4], 2)
>> The breakpoint is indeed activated, seemingly at the correct position
>> in the source file, but instead of the actual text at the respective
>> line, I get the following :
>> 69    varbayes.c: No such file or directory.
>> Issuing "next" afterwards seems to attain the expected purpose (step
>> by step progression), but source code lines are replaced by, e.g. :
>> 72    in varbayes.c
>> There should be some way of "installing" the source code files, but I
>> did not find R-specific info there. Does someone have a clue for my
>> problem?
> This happens when you install a package from the tarball. The source is
> unpacked into a temporary directory which is then deleted. Try unpacking
> the source tarball yourself, and then installing from the unpacked
> directory, e.g.
> tar xfvz VBMix_0.2.17.tar.gz
> Martyn
>> Thanks by advance,
>> Pierrick
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