[Rd] R on the Cydia Store

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 19:08:43 CET 2014

On 09/12/2014 9:38 AM, Apps Embedded wrote:
> Hi,
> We have published an Android app called R Console on the Play Store since
> Décember 2013.
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appsopensource.R
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appsopensource.Rpremium
> In the mean time, we have developped its equivalent app for the App Store.
> We released it on march 2014. We have been approved from this date by Apple
> to publish it world wide.
> Recently, we learnt that GPL app are not compatible with the App Store
> distribution licence.
> Thus we decided to remove the iOS app from the App Store several days ago.
> We are thinking of publishing the same app published under Cydia with a
> freemium model.
> Its licence would be GPL v3.
> What we would like to do under Cydia with R Console is to have the
> following behavior :
> - free version will be able to run recommended packages and graphics are
> not enabled. A small ad banner is present on top of the app.
> - premium version will be the same as the free version except the ad banner
> will not be present anymore and 3 compilers will be integrated into the app
> in order to be able to compile and run most of the Cran packages from
> source.
> - graphics may be added in a second step.
> The app will be considered as a bundle of open-source tools. This bundle
> will be under the Gnu General Public Licence version 3. Each open-source
> tool which contributes to the overall bundle will stay in its original
> licence (R is GPL v2 for instance) but the bundle will be GPL v3.

You need to be careful with that:  R has a variety of licenses for 
various parts, and I'm not sure all of them are GPL v3 compatible.
> >From your point of view, do you see any legal issue with this project under
> Cydia for jailbroken iOS devices?
> >From a trademark point of view, is the name of the apps "R Console Free"
> and "R Console Premium" ok ?

I don't think the R Foundation would object to those names, but you 
could ask them to be sure.  You should get permission if you want to use 
the logo.

Duncan Murdoch
P.S. I am a Foundation member, but I'm not writing in that capacity.

> Thanks for your help.
> Apps Embedded Team.
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