[Rd] Problems when moving to Imports from Depends
Peter Langfelder
peter.langfelder at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 23:04:20 CEST 2013
Hi all,
one of my packages uses the rcorr.cens function from the Hmisc
package. Until now I have simply put the Hmisc package into Depends:,
but prodded on by new CRAN requirements, I tried to moving it into
Imports:. However, this fails because rcorr.cens calls the function
is.Surv from survival, which does not seem to be on the search path
when Hmisc is "imported from" rather then being "depended on". (Hmisc
both Depends: on and Imports: from survival, which is a bit confusing
and discouraged by Writing R extensions.)
Do I need to include an explicit dependency on or import from
survival? Or should I leave Hmisc in the "Depends: " field? Apologies
if this is a trivial question - I am not versed in R internals and
couldn't find the answer in the Writing R extensions manual either.
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