[Rd] declaring package dependencies

Matthew Dowle mdowle at mdowle.plus.com
Mon Sep 16 11:10:36 CEST 2013

Ben Bolker wrote :
> Do you happen to remember what the technical difficulty was?

 From memory I think it was that CRAN maintainers didn't have
access to Uwe's winbuilder machine. But often when I get OK
from winbuilder R-devel I don't want it to go to CRAN yet. So
procedures and software would have to be put in place to
handle that (unclear) logic which I didn't propose anything
for or offer any code to do. So time and effort to decide and
time and effort to implement. Just a guess. And maybe some
packages don't run on Windows, so what about those?  It's
all those edge cases that really take the time.


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