[Rd] Comments requested on "changedFiles" function
Duncan Murdoch
murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 03:10:57 CEST 2013
On 13-09-04 8:02 PM, Karl Millar wrote:
> Hi Duncan,
> I think this functionality would be much easier to use and understand if
> you split it up the functionality of taking snapshots and comparing them
> into separate functions.
Yes, that's another possibility. Some more comment below...
In addition, the 'timestamp' functionality
> seems both confusing and brittle to me. I think it would be better to
> store file modification times in the snapshot and use those instead of
> an external file. Maybe:
You can do that, using file.info = "mtime", but the file.info snapshots
are quite a bit slower than using the timestamp file (when looking at a
big recursive directory of files).
> # Take a snapshot of the files.
> takeFileSnapshot(directory, file.info <http://file.info> = TRUE, md5sum
> = FALSE, full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, ...)
> # Take a snapshot using the same options as used for snapshot.
> retakeFileSnapshot(snapshot, directory = snapshot$directory) {
> takeFileSnapshot)(directory, file.info <http://file.info> =
> snapshot$file.info <http://file.info>, md5sum = snapshot$md5sum, etc)
> }
> compareFileSnapshots(snapshot1, snapshot2)
> - or -
> getNewFiles(snapshat1, snapshot2) # These names are probably too
> generic
> getDeletedFiles(snapshot1, snapshot2)
> getUpdatedFiles(snapshot1, snapshot2)
> -or-
> setdiff(snapshot1, snapshot2) # Unclear how this should treat updated files
> This approach does have the difficulty that users could attempt to
> compare snapshots that were taken with different options and that can't
> be compared, but that should be an easy error to detect.
I don't want to add too many new functions. The general R style is to
have functions that do a lot, rather than have a lot of different
functions to achieve different parts of related tasks. This is better
for interactive use (fewer functions to remember, a simpler help system
to navigate), though it probably results in less readable code.
I can see an argument for two functions (a get and a compare), but I
don't think there are many cases where doing two gets and comparing the
snapshots would be worth the extra runtime. (It's extra because
file.info is only a little faster than list.files, and it would be
unavoidable to call both twice in that version. Using the timestamp
file avoids one of those calls, and replaces the other with file_test,
which takes a similar amount of time. So overall it's about 20-25%
faster.) It also makes the code a bit more complicated, i.e. three
calls (get, get, compare) instead of two (get, compare).
Thanks for your comments.
Duncan Murdoch
> Karl
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Duncan Murdoch
> <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com <mailto:murdoch.duncan at gmail.com>> wrote:
> In a number of places internal to R, we need to know which files
> have changed (e.g. after building a vignette). I've just written a
> general purpose function "changedFiles" that I'll probably commit to
> R-devel. Comments on the design (or bug reports) would be appreciated.
> The source for the function and the Rd page for it are inline below.
> ----- changedFiles.R:
> changedFiles <- function(snapshot, timestamp =
> tempfile("timestamp"), file.info <http://file.info> = NULL,
> md5sum = FALSE, full.names = FALSE, ...) {
> dosnapshot <- function(args) {
> fullnames <- do.call(list.files, c(full.names = TRUE, args))
> names <- do.call(list.files, c(full.names = full.names, args))
> if (isTRUE(file.info <http://file.info>) ||
> (is.character(file.info <http://file.info>) && length(file.info
> <http://file.info>))) {
> info <- file.info <http://file.info>(fullnames)
> rownames(info) <- names
> if (isTRUE(file.info <http://file.info>))
> file.info <http://file.info> <- c("size", "isdir", "mode", "mtime")
> } else
> info <- data.frame(row.names=names)
> if (md5sum)
> info <- data.frame(info, md5sum = tools::md5sum(fullnames))
> list(info = info, timestamp = timestamp, file.info
> <http://file.info> = file.info <http://file.info>,
> md5sum = md5sum, full.names = full.names, args = args)
> }
> if (missing(snapshot) || !inherits(snapshot,
> "changedFilesSnapshot")) {
> if (length(timestamp) == 1)
> file.create(timestamp)
> if (missing(snapshot)) snapshot <- "."
> pre <- dosnapshot(list(path = snapshot, ...))
> pre$pre <- pre$info
> pre$info <- NULL
> pre$wd <- getwd()
> class(pre) <- "changedFilesSnapshot"
> return(pre)
> }
> if (missing(timestamp)) timestamp <- snapshot$timestamp
> if (missing(file.info <http://file.info>) || isTRUE(file.info
> <http://file.info>)) file.info <http://file.info> <-
> snapshot$file.info <http://file.info>
> if (identical(file.info <http://file.info>, FALSE)) file.info
> <http://file.info> <- NULL
> if (missing(md5sum)) md5sum <- snapshot$md5sum
> if (missing(full.names)) full.names <- snapshot$full.names
> pre <- snapshot$pre
> savewd <- getwd()
> on.exit(setwd(savewd))
> setwd(snapshot$wd)
> args <- snapshot$args
> newargs <- list(...)
> args[names(newargs)] <- newargs
> post <- dosnapshot(args)$info
> prenames <- rownames(pre)
> postnames <- rownames(post)
> added <- setdiff(postnames, prenames)
> deleted <- setdiff(prenames, postnames)
> common <- intersect(prenames, postnames)
> if (length(file.info <http://file.info>)) {
> preinfo <- pre[common, file.info <http://file.info>]
> postinfo <- post[common, file.info <http://file.info>]
> changes <- preinfo != postinfo
> }
> else changes <- matrix(logical(0), nrow = length(common), ncol = 0,
> dimnames = list(common, character(0)))
> if (length(timestamp))
> changes <- cbind(changes, Newer = file_test("-nt", common,
> timestamp))
> if (md5sum) {
> premd5 <- pre[common, "md5sum"]
> postmd5 <- post[common, "md5sum"]
> changes <- cbind(changes, md5sum = premd5 != postmd5)
> }
> changes1 <- changes[rowSums(changes, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, , drop
> = FALSE]
> changed <- rownames(changes1)
> structure(list(added = added, deleted = deleted, changed = changed,
> unchanged = setdiff(common, changed), changes = changes),
> class = "changedFiles")
> }
> print.changedFilesSnapshot <- function(x, ...) {
> cat("changedFiles snapshot:\n timestamp = \"", x$timestamp,
> "\"\n file.info <http://file.info> = ",
> if (length(x$file.info <http://file.info>))
> paste(paste0('"', x$file.info <http://file.info>, '"'), collapse=","),
> "\n md5sum = ", x$md5sum, "\n args = ", deparse(x$args,
> control = NULL), "\n", sep="")
> x
> }
> print.changedFiles <- function(x, ...) {
> if (length(x$added)) cat("Files added:\n", paste0(" ",
> x$added, collapse="\n"), "\n", sep="")
> if (length(x$deleted)) cat("Files deleted:\n", paste0(" ",
> x$deleted, collapse="\n"), "\n", sep="")
> changes <- x$changes
> changes <- changes[rowSums(changes, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, ,
> drop=FALSE]
> changes <- changes[, colSums(changes, na.rm = TRUE) > 0,
> drop=FALSE]
> if (nrow(changes)) {
> cat("Files changed:\n")
> print(changes)
> }
> x
> }
> ----------------------
> --- changedFiles.Rd:
> \name{changedFiles}
> \alias{changedFiles}
> \alias{print.changedFiles}
> \alias{print.__changedFilesSnapshot}
> \title{
> Detect which files have changed
> }
> \description{
> On the first call, \code{changedFiles} takes a snapshot of a
> selection of files. In subsequent
> calls, it takes another snapshot, and returns an object containing
> data on the
> differences between the two snapshots. The snapshots need not be
> the same directory;
> this could be used to compare two directories.
> }
> \usage{
> changedFiles(snapshot, timestamp = tempfile("timestamp"), file.info
> <http://file.info> = NULL,
> md5sum = FALSE, full.names = FALSE, ...)
> }
> \arguments{
> \item{snapshot}{
> The path to record, or a previous snapshot. See the Details.
> }
> \item{timestamp}{
> The name of a file to write at the time the initial snapshot
> is taken. In subsequent calls, modification times of files will be
> compared to
> this file, and newer files will be reported as changed. Set to
> \code{NULL}
> to skip this test.
> }
> \item{file.info <http://file.info>}{
> A vector of columns from the result of the \code{file.info
> <http://file.info>} function, or a logical value. If
> \code{TRUE}, columns \code{c("size", "isdir", "mode", "mtime")} will
> be used. Set to
> \code{FALSE} or \code{NULL} to skip this test. See the Details.
> }
> \item{md5sum}{
> A logical value indicating whether MD5 summaries should be taken as
> part of the snapshot.
> }
> \item{full.names}{
> A logical value indicating whether full names (as in
> \code{\link{list.files}}) should be
> recorded.
> }
> \item{\dots}{
> Additional parameters to pass to \code{\link{list.files}} to control
> the set of files
> in the snapshots.
> }
> }
> \details{
> This function works in two modes. If the \code{snapshot} argument
> is missing or is
> not of S3 class \code{"changedFilesSnapshot"}, it is used as the
> \code{path} argument
> to \code{\link{list.files}} to obtain a list of files. If it is of
> class
> \code{"changedFilesSnapshot"}, then it is taken to be the baseline file
> and a new snapshot is taken and compared with it. In the latter
> case, missing
> arguments default to match those from the initial snapshot.
> If the \code{timestamp} argument is length 1, a file with that name
> is created
> in the current directory during the initial snapshot, and
> \code{\link{file_test}}
> is used to compare the age of all files to it during subsequent calls.
> If the \code{file.info <http://file.info>} argument is \code{TRUE}
> or it contains a non-empty
> character vector, the indicated columns from the result of a call to
> \code{\link{file.info <http://file.info>}} will be recorded and
> compared.
> If \code{md5sum} is \code{TRUE}, the \code{tools::\link{md5sum}}
> function
> will be called to record the 32 byte MD5 checksum for each file, and
> these values
> will be compared.
> }
> \value{
> In the initial snapshot phase, an object of class
> \code{"changedFilesSnapshot"} is returned. This
> is a list containing the fields
> \item{pre}{a dataframe whose rownames are the filenames, and whose
> columns contain the
> requested snapshot data}
> \item{timestamp, file.info <http://file.info>, md5sum, full.names}{a
> record of the arguments in the initial call}
> \item{args}{other arguments passed via \code{...} to
> \code{\link{list.files}}.}
> In the comparison phase, an object of class \code{"changedFiles"}.
> This is a list containing
> \item{added, deleted, changed, unchanged}{character vectors of
> filenames from the before
> and after snapshots, with obvious meanings}
> \item{changes}{a logical matrix with a row for each common file, and
> a column for each
> comparison test. \code{TRUE} indicates a change in that test.}
> \code{\link{print}} methods are defined for each of these types. The
> \code{\link{print}} method for \code{"changedFilesSnapshot"} objects
> displays the arguments used to produce it, while the one for
> \code{"changedFiles"} displays the \code{added}, \code{deleted}
> and \code{changed} fields if non-empty, and a submatrix of the
> \code{changes}
> matrix containing all of the \code{TRUE} values.
> }
> \author{
> Duncan Murdoch
> }
> \seealso{
> \code{\link{file.info <http://file.info>}}, \code{\link{file_test}},
> \code{\link{md5sum}}.
> }
> \examples{
> # Create some files in a temporary directory
> dir <- tempfile()
> dir.create(dir)
> writeBin(1, file.path(dir, "file1"))
> writeBin(2, file.path(dir, "file2"))
> dir.create(file.path(dir, "dir"))
> # Take a snapshot
> snapshot <- changedFiles(dir, file.info <http://file.info>=TRUE,
> md5sum=TRUE)
> # Change one of the files
> writeBin(3, file.path(dir, "file2"))
> # Display the detected changes
> changedFiles(snapshot)
> changedFiles(snapshot)$changes
> }
> \keyword{utilities}
> \keyword{file}
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