[Rd] Comments in the DESCRIPTION file
cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
Thu May 2 08:58:39 CEST 2013
I am not that familiar with the DCF... But R seems to accept # quite easely.
More precisely:
Before posting my message, I try it on a small package: R CMD check or R CMD
INSTALL did not make any warning or error (whereas they do if I use '#'
After reading your response, I dig a bit more. The source of my DESCRIPTION
file was:
--- 8< ------------------
###: This is some kind of 'section 1'
Package: packBasic1
Title: Very simple package
Version: 0.9.2
License: GPL (>=2.0)
Description: A package
###: This is 'section 2'
Author: Christophe Genolini
Maintainer: Christophe Genolini <genolini at u-paris10.fr>
--- 8< ------------------
The DESCRIPTION file after installation was:
--- 8< ------------------
Package: packBasic1
Title: Very simple package
Version: 0.9.2
License: GPL (>=2.0)
Description: A package
Author: Christophe Genolini
Maintainer: Christophe Genolini <genolini at u-paris10.fr>
Built: R 3.0.0; ; 2013-05-02 06:50:57 UTC; windows
--- 8< ------------------
So I guess there was a problem.
But if I number the comments line, then it works:
--- 8< ---------------------
###2: This is some kind of 'section 1'
Package: packBasic1
Title: Very simple package
Version: 0.9.2
License: GPL (>=2.0)
Description: A package
###7: This is 'section 2'
Author: Christophe Genolini
Maintainer: Christophe Genolini <genolini at u-paris10.fr>
Built: R 3.0.0; ; 2013-05-02 06:49:27 UTC; windows
--- 8< ---------------------
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Comments-in-the-DESCRIPTION-file-tp4648678p4666017.html
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