[Rd] conflict between rJava and data.table

Bunny bunny at lautloscrew.com
Thu Feb 28 23:09:08 CET 2013

Dear devel-listers, 

I found a conflct between rJava and data.table. Actually me questions is where to report it? 
Should I rather send it directly to the package maintainers or post it on some bug tracker. 
The problem is that data.table has a function called "J" and rJava uses the same quite intensively. 
I used the  xlsx R package which depends on rJava to write .xls files and ran into an error. 

write.xls from this package uses the functions and returns an error depending on the sequence the packages
were loaded. 

Error in .jnew("org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFWorkbook") : 
  java.lang.AbstractMethodError: java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;


I can work around this by loading and unloading packages, but I feel this should be addressed because 
loading these two packages that both deal with tables of data does not seem that unlikely to me. 



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