[Rd] SQLite database file gets corrupted and XP goes blue

Hadley Wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 16:22:35 CET 2013

I'd recommend sending a reproducible example to the maintainer of the
RSQLite package (cc'd in case he doesn't follow r-devel any more)

On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 7:06 PM, Sachko Honda
<sachko.honda at mountainpacificgroup.com> wrote:
> Dear fellows,
> I'm getting blue screen on XP while populating SQLite database, using
> RStudio and RQLite package.
> The blue screen says "INVALID PROCESS ATTACH ATTEMPT" before goes into
> memory check and reboot.
> The database (file) is corrupted and not readable after this happens.
> I'm iterating over CSV files, each contans a time-series of as many as
> 500x5000: rows being dates, columns being dependent variables.  For each
> CSV creates a 500x5000 matrix (preallocated), and it is "remove"-ed
> immediately after its use, among other relatively large objects.
> Without this explicit resource deallocation, the blue screen stuff
> occurred at much earlier during the process.
> Still, XP's Process Monitor shows steady increase in memory usage.
> My XP has 3GB RAM.  It seems that the screen goes blue when the usage
> goes near 1GB.
> The database file, when it is corrupted, has only 150MB.  SQLite's max
> db size is 2TB, XP32's max file size is 4GB.  So, I'm well under the limits.
> In the past, when an R process goes out of memory, it rather graceful
> returned, like "Out of memory".
> I have closed any other applications that accesses the database such as
> SQLite Browser.
> Any insight appreciated.
> Sachko
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