[Rd] compiling R for Windows 64 bit

Vitaliy FEOKTISTOV vitaliy.feoktistov at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 09:35:19 CET 2012

Dear All,

I'm trying to compile R for Windows 64 bit.

I'm following the instructions of R installation and administration
guide v2.15.2 (3.1; A.3.1.4; C.2.2)
and at the moment I compiled the default version (single threaded,
gcc, without external BLAS)  on my notebook (windows xp 32 bit)

Now I'm trying to compile it on Windows servers 64 bit with the next
configuration :

1. Windows Server 2008 R2 Entreprise SP1 x64bits ; Proc: AMD Opteron
6172 2Ghz (x4 processors)
2. Windows Server 2003 R2 Entreprise SP2 x64bits ; Proc: Intel Xeon
5160 3Ghz (x4 processors)

I configured '/src/gnuwin32/MkRules.local' and 'config.site' as
described in R installation guide.

And there are at least 2 problems during the compilation :
1. 'make all recommended' does not see 'config.site' so the
environmental variables are not updated properly,
shell sh.exe ./configure also gives error
2. at the linking step the file 'Rgraphapp.dll' can not be created, as
I suppose according to uncorrect x32 - x64 configuration (it links
32bits external libs to 64bits object files)

I would be very greatful if you could help me to compile R, please.

Thank you very much !!

BINPREF64 = C:/Rtools/gcc-4.6.3/bin/
WIN = 64
OPENMP = -fopenmp
PTHREAD = -pthread

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