[Rd] LazyData: no / yes

Christophe Genolini cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
Tue Nov 6 19:03:28 CET 2012

Hi the list

I have package foo0 with a big dataset 'myData'.
In DESCRIPTION, if I use 'LazyData: no', then I get:

  - when I open a R session : memory used=20 908
  - when I attach 'library(foo0)' : memory used=24364
  - then I load the set 'data(myData)' : memory used=39 668

If I use LazyData: yes', then I get
  - when I open a R session : memory used=20 908
- when I attach 'library(foo0)' : memory used=52 760.

In this second example, after 'library(foo0)', I was expecting the memory to rize up to 39 668, not 
to 52 760... Where does the difference come from?


Christophe Genolini
Maître de conférences en bio-statistique
Vice président Communication interne et animation du campus
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

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