[Rd] improved methods error

Martin Morgan mtmorgan at fhcrc.org
Fri Dec 21 03:11:07 CET 2012

While trying to install a package, I received this error

** preparing package for lazy loading
Error in matchSignature(signature, fdef, where) :
   more elements in the method signature (2) than in the generic  signature (1)

A more helpful variant is

Error in matchSignature(signature, fdef, where) :
   more elements in the method signature (2) than in the generic signature (1) 
for function 'sort'

which comes from (including removal of an extra space between 'generic' and 
'signature'; I'm not sure what diff I should be providing for the po files?)

--- src/library/methods/R/MethodsList.R	(revision 61375)
+++ src/library/methods/R/MethodsList.R	(working copy)
@@ -528,9 +528,10 @@
      if(is.null(names(signature))) {
          which <- seq_along(signature)
          if(length(which) > length(anames))
-          stop(gettextf("more elements in the method signature (%d) than in the 
generic  signature (%d)",
+          stop(gettextf("more elements in the method signature (%d) than in the 
generic signature (%d) for function %s",
-               length(anames)), domain = NA)
+               length(anames),
+               sQuote(fun at generic)), domain = NA)
      else {
      ## construct a function call with the same naming pattern  &

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