[Rd] error memory allocation

Vitaliy FEOKTISTOV vitaliy.feoktistov at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 15:18:09 CET 2012


I've compiled R-2.15.2 for windows x64 and try to do a simple test :

A <- matrix(rnorm(3e8), 3e4, 3e4)
B <- solve(A)
Erreur dans solve.default(A) : impossible d'allouer un bloc de mémoire
de taille 6.7 Go

to solve this problem in R-2.13.2 (windows version) the following
modifications were needed :

in "R_HOME/src/main/memory.c" to modify the definition of the function
"char *R_alloc(...)"

#ifdef WIN64
#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8

what I have to change in R-2.15.2 to avoid this problem of memory allocation ?


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