[Rd] R CMD <custom>?

Hadley Wickham hadley at rice.edu
Mon Nov 28 21:19:43 CET 2011

> That does seem to mix up namespaces quite a bit.

That was just a proposal - equally

R CMD mypackage::mycommand

could just run


but then passing argument might get a bit confusing.

> But what does it get you
> that "Rscript -e" doesn't already give you?  You can set up your package so
> that
> R CMD mypackage::mycommand
> executes a function, using delayedAssign or some of the more exotic features
> (like external pointers and finalizers).

Because you have to specify the path to that package?  R CMD roxygen2
is much easier to type, remember and is portable, compared to
~/R/roxygen2/something.r.  It also makes R CMD scripts extensible by
packages in a consistent manner.


Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University

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