[Rd] Reference Classes copy(shallow=FALSE) unexpected behavior.
Manuel Castejón Limas
manuel.castejon at unileon.es
Wed May 11 23:24:09 CEST 2011
Dear Hadley and John,
My main interest in the question was to understand what was happening.
Thank you very much for your clarifications and the piece of code.
El 11/05/11 18:32, "John Chambers" <jmc at r-project.org> escribió:
>Good suggestion for this case.
>But the general problem is tricky. What about reference objects
>contained in attributes or slots of other objects, etc? What is needed
>for total copying is a switch in the low-level duplication code that
>says to copy reference objects. It's also possible that one does NOT
>want all such objects copied.
>For now, it may be that specialized copy() methods are needed for
>classes that have subsidiary reference objects inside non-reference
>On 5/11/11 6:37 AM, Hadley Wickham wrote:
>> Hi Manuel,
>> The source code for copy is short and pretty readable, so I'd
>> encourage you to look at it:
>>> setRefClass("XXX")$copy
>> Class method definition for method copy()
>> function (shallow = FALSE)
>> {
>> def<- .refClassDef
>> value<- new(def)
>> vEnv<- as.environment(value)
>> selfEnv<- as.environment(.self)
>> for (field in names(def at fieldClasses)) {
>> if (shallow)
>> assign(field, get(field, envir = selfEnv), envir = vEnv)
>> else {
>> current<- get(field, envir = selfEnv)
>> if (is(current, "envRefClass"))
>> current<- current$copy(FALSE)
>> assign(field, current, envir = vEnv)
>> }
>> }
>> value
>> }
>> The basic problem is that you have a list of reference class objects,
>> and currently copy does not recurse into lists. I think this could be
>> fixed with
>> deep_copy<- function(x) {
>> if (is(current, "envRefClass")) {
>> x$copy()
>> } else if (is.list(x))
>> lapply(x, deep_copy)
>> } else {
>> x
>> }
>> }
>> function (shallow = FALSE){
>> def<- .refClassDef
>> value<- new(def)
>> vEnv<- as.environment(value)
>> selfEnv<- as.environment(.self)
>> for (field in names(def at fieldClasses)) {
>> if (shallow)
>> assign(field, get(field, envir = selfEnv), envir = vEnv)
>> else {
>> current<- get(field, envir = selfEnv)
>> assign(field, deep_copy(current), envir = vEnv)
>> }
>> }
>> value
>> }
>> Hadley
>> 2011/5/11 Manuel Castejón Limas<manuel.castejon at unileon.es>:
>>> Dear Hadley,
>>> Thank you very much for your interest in the question proposed.
>>> The Con class is a Reference Class. P and k are from class listCon.
>>> I provide in the following lines a little more detail in order to be
>>> to reproduce the case.
>>> #Class declaration
>>> gCon<- setRefClass("Con", fields=list(from="ANY",weight="numeric"))
>>> gListAMORE<- setRefClass("listAMORE", fields=list(.Data="list"))
>>> gListCon<- setRefClass("listCon", contains="listAMORE")
>>> # Let's create a few connections
>>> con1<- gCon$new(from=1, weight=1.1)
>>> con2<- gCon$new(from=2, weight=2.2)
>>> con3<- gCon$new(from=3, weight=3.3)
>>> # And a list of connections
>>> lcon<-gListCon$new()
>>> lcon$.Data<- list(con1, con2, con3)
>>> # At this point, lcon contains:
>>> lcon$.Data
>>> [[1]]
>>> An object of class "Con"
>>> <environment: 0x9a1534>
>>> [[2]]
>>> An object of class "Con"
>>> <environment: 0xcd7ff0>
>>> [[3]]
>>> An object of class "Con"
>>> <environment: 0xdca724>
>>> # Let's copy lcon to k
>>> k<- lcon$copy(shallow=FALSE)
>>> # Now k is a new object but the cons are shared with lcon!
>>> k$.Data
>>> [[1]]
>>> An object of class "Con"
>>> <environment: 0x9a1534>
>>> [[2]]
>>> An object of class "Con"
>>> <environment: 0xcd7ff0>
>>> [[3]]
>>> An object of class "Con"
>>> <environment: 0xdca724>
>>> Best regards
>>> Manuel
>>> El 11/05/11 14:00, "Hadley Wickham"<hadley at rice.edu> escribió:
>>>> 2011/5/10 Manuel Castejón Limas<manuel.castejon at unileon.es>:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> I've just discovered the 'Reference Classes'.
>>>>> In a previous attempt ---a year ago--- to re-implement in a Object
>>>>> Oriented
>>>>> fashion the AMORE package using S4 classes I strongly felt the need
>>>>> such
>>>>> capability. It's great to have the Reference Classes now available.
>>>>> Along
>>>>> with the discovery of the Rcpp package, this new programming paradigm
>>>>> has
>>>>> boosted my interest in rewriting that package.
>>>>> Nevertheless, I have found a surprising behavior in the
>>>>> $copy(shallow=FALSE)
>>>>> method. Let's have a look at the results which I believe are
>>>>> self-explanatories. The ".Data" field is a list which contains
>>>>> from
>>>>> the "Con" class ---connections for what is worth---.
>>>> What sort of class is the Con class? S4 or reference?
>>>> Hadley
>>>> --
>>>> Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
>>>> Department of Statistics / Rice University
>>>> http://had.co.nz/
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