[Rd] Suggestions for R-devel / R-help digest format

Saravanan saravanan.thirumuruganathan at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 21:26:08 CEST 2011

Thanks Steve and Brian !

Probably, I will create a gmail account for mailing lists and let it 
take care of the threading.


On 07/07/2011 12:02 PM, Brian G. Peterson wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-07-07 at 11:44 -0500, Saravanan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am passive reader of both R-devel and R-help mailing lists. I am
>> sending the following comments to r-devel as it seemed more suitable. I
>> am aware that this list uses GNU mailman for the list management. I have
>> my options set that it sends a email digest. One thing I find is that
>> the digest consists of emails that ordered temporarlly. For eg lets say
>> there are two threads t1 and t2 and the emails arrive as e1 of t1, e2 of
>> t2, e3 of t3  . The digest lists them as e1,e2 and then e3. Is it
>> possible to somehow configure it as T1 : e1,e3 and then T2 : e2 ?
>> This is the digest format that google groups uses which is incredibly
>> helpful as you can read all the messages in a thread. Additionally, it
>> also helpfully includes a header that lists all the threads in digest so
>> that you can jump to the one you are interested in. I checked the
>> mailman options but could not find any.
>> Does anyone else have the same issue? It is not a big issue in R-devel
>> but R-help is a much more high traffic mailing list. I am interested in
>> hearing how you read/filter your digest mails in either R-help or other
>> high volume mailing lists.
> This really has nothing to do with R, but rather mailman.
> I use folders, filtered on the server using SIEVE and/or procmail.  No
> digest required. I get the mails immediately, not later in the day or
> the next day,  and can use all my various email clients easily to
> read/respond.
> mailman supports a MIME digest format that includes a table of contents
> with links to each MIME part.  mailman does not support a threaded
> digest, to the best of my knowledge.
> Regards,
>     - Brian

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