[Rd] large vignette problem

Henrik Bengtsson hb at biostat.ucsf.edu
Sun Feb 13 01:26:02 CET 2011

Never ever use JPEG for bitmap data plots. Use PNG instead.  See
attach image (origin unknown; it is *not* an xkcd comics).

That should solve your issues.


On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 1:54 PM, robin hankin <hankin.robin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to get one of my packages to be less than 5Mb in size, and
> it is currently
> 72Mb installed.  It is big because the single vignette includes half a
> dozen very large PDF
> images.  The PDF files are created as part of the Sweave process.
> Using jpg images instead of PDFs is acceptable  in terms of picture
> quality (although
> not perfect), and results in a very much smaller vignette.
> OK, so here’s my first plan and I’m not sure if it’s optimal::
> 1.  Produce the .jpg files by hand from my own PDF files.
> 2.  Change the .Rnw file so that it doesn’t produce the PDF files and
> the vignette uses the .jpg files instead.
> 3. ship the package with the .jpg files and the modified .Rnw file.
> This is not ideal because it’s not reproducible: only *I* can create
> the jpg files from the original .Rnw file, as the new .Rnw file does
> not produce the PDF files.
> Or can I somehow coerce Sweave into producing jpg files instead of PDF?
> Can anyone advise?
> thanks
> Robin
> --
> Robin Hankin
> Uncertainty Analyst
> hankin.robin at gmail.com
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