[Rd] Names of a data set in a package

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 21:01:26 CEST 2011

2011/4/5 Göran Broström <gb at stat.umu.se>:
> 5 apr 2011 kl. 18.25 skrev Gabor Grothendieck:
>> 2011/4/5 Göran Broström <gb at stat.umu.se>:
>>> For some reason I want to let one data set in a package be known under two
>>> different names.  Is that possible, and if so, how? I do not want to have
>>> two copies of the data set in the package.
>> This will allow you to read the data frame under a different name but
>> you won't be able to modify it under the different name.  We make use
>> of the built in data frame BOD and create the alternate name BOD2:
>>> makeActiveBinding("BOD2", function() BOD, .GlobalEnv)
>>> BOD$Time
>> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 7
>>> BOD2$Time
>> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 7
>>> # changing BOD also changes BOD2
>>> BOD$Time[1] <- 99
>>> BOD2$Time
>> [1] 99  2  3  4  5  7
> Thanks Gabor, but where do I put this in my package? To clarify, I want
>> data(B, package = "A")
> and
>> data(C, package = "A")
> refer to the same data set.

Implement your datasets as .R files.  See ?data and the source to the
quantreg package, say, as it uses .R files for its data.

Statistics & Software Consulting
GKX Group, GKX Associates Inc.
tel: 1-877-GKX-GROUP
email: ggrothendieck at gmail.com

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