[Rd] Very slow plot rendering with X11 on CentOS 5.5

R P Herrold herrold at owlriver.com
Wed Sep 29 19:07:08 CEST 2010

On Wed, 29 Sep 2010, Weigand, Stephen D. wrote:

> Many, many thanks for the effort Russ. I'm not clear on next steps
> but think I need to look at CentOS vs. others in terms of X.

I suspect all X will be similar within an order of magnitude, 
but dunno -- I did not 'tune' the workstation I tested on to 
be a racehorse, and there are ways to do that.  Your local 
admins will (should) know how

I guess with such dramatic speed difference, if R is part of 
your daily analytic toolset, I'd use those time trialling as 
the evidence to be lobbying for a local workstation to work 
in.  out of scope, here of course

-- Russ herrold

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