[Rd] A couple of typos in ?pairwise.t.test
Marc Schwartz
marc_schwartz at me.com
Fri Sep 10 17:21:31 CEST 2010
Hi all,
After my reply on R-Help to the relevant thread, I noted what appear to be a couple of typos in the Details section of ?pairwise.t.test. Note text with '**'.
Current text:
The **pool.SD** switch calculates a common SD for all groups and **used** that for all comparisons (this can be useful if some groups are small). This method does not actually call t.test, so extra arguments are ignored. Pooling does not generalize to paired tests so **pool.SD** and paired cannot both be TRUE.
Proposed new text:
The **pool.sd** switch calculates a common SD for all groups and **uses** that for all comparisons (this can be useful if some groups are small). This method does not actually call t.test, so extra arguments are ignored. Pooling does not generalize to paired tests so **pool.sd** and paired cannot both be TRUE.
If that is acceptable, a text file with a patch against the main svn trunk version of pairwise.t.test.Rd is attached.
Marc Schwartz
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